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Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 3

Writer's picture: Kell SharpeKell Sharpe


Director: James Gunn
Starring: Chris Pratt, Zoey Saldana, Dave Bautista

The Guardians of The Galaxy finally makes their long-awaited return to the MCU, as James Gunn brings us the third and final instalment to the highly-praised Guardians trilogy.

Over the past 9 years, James Gunn has set himself some high standards that seemed pretty much impossible to reach for this movie, based on the quality of the previous 2.

But clearly pressure means nothing to the talented director as he delivers once again within the Guardians franchise and brings us a movie that could be classed as the best Guardians of The Galaxy project.

It’s easy to see that Gunn has a very clear and obvious intention of delving deeper into the character of Rocket Raccoon for the third instalment, as we spend a lot of time learning about the backstory of the character and why he is the way that he is.

This sets up for an extremely emotional storyline as we see various themes throughout the characters backstory that are destined to produce some tear-filled eyes throughout the audience.

If you have followed the Guardians all the way from 2014 to present day, where we have seen them feature in 6 different movies and a Christmas holiday special, then be prepared for what you are about to experience with this film by having a box of tissues alongside you.

If you thought that you were an emotional wreck after the events of Avengers: Endgame, just wait until you see Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 3.

One aspect to this film that I was excited to witness before seeing the movie, was the brand-new dynamic between our very own Peter Quill, and his “not-so-beloved” Gamora.

Of course, due to the events of Avengers: Endgame, the present-day reality is left with a 2014 Gamora that has no clue who Quill is, or the life she lived with him before her death in Infinity War.

Therefore, the relationship between the two and where we see the two characters stand with each other was destined to be an interesting one – and Gunn certainly doesn’t seem to fail on that front either.

One thing that James Gunn has managed to capture perfectly across the three movies he has directed, is the balance between an emotional story and hilarious comedy embedded within one another.

And as you would expect, despite the root of this story being a deep and emotional storyline, it is scattered with moment of hilarity that are destined to leave audience members in hysterics.

There are times throughout the opening act of the movie that I did feel struggled to really get going and didn’t feel like a Guardians movie. I didn’t really feel myself as comfortable with the characters as I usually would be, but this soon wore off and I was able to enjoy the film to its full capacity from there onwards.

About halfway through the film I did mentally label this film as, despite still being very good, the worst Guardians of The Galaxy movie. But once I gave the storyline more of a chance to reveal itself, I came to the conclusion that it is on parr with the other two, if not better.

Despite the entirety of the cast doing an excellent job in portraying the characters we have learnt to know and love over the years; an honourable mention must go out to Chukwudi Iwuji who exceeds with the task he was provided of playing the High Evolutionary.

Very quickly into the film, audiences will learn the fact that the High Evolutionary is a vile and horrible person, who sees himself as a God-like figure. The line “There is no God! That’s why I stepped in!”, only supports this.

And playing such a vile and malicious character in a film like this cant be an easy task, but Iwuji exceeds in every area of this mission and certainly wins audiences and critics over in his MCU debut.

Finally, I must end on a note that is the highest of praises possible, and that note being that the only way to describe the ending to James Gunn’s Guardians trilogy is as perfection. I struggle to think of another way to end the Guardians story than the way that Gunn delivers.

I personally feel extremely satisfied with each of our main characters storylines at the end of the film and am happy with some of the bold but wise decisions that Gunn made.

James Gunn made some very realistic decisions throughout the ending of this movie that I feel as though, if he didn’t make, he would have just been providing audiences with what they might want before the film began.

But the fact that Gunn made the decisions that he felt was necessary and realistic within the Guardians storyline, is just one of the many factors that make this film an epic ending to what in my opinion has to be described as the best trilogy within the MCU.

Overall Rating: 9/10


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